
"Mediocre effort only ever leads to mediocre results"

"When we have the habit to always do our best, we feel better about ourselves and maximize our chances for success."

“Losing is Learning - Turn your negatives into positives”

“What you learn in your hardest moments is the foundation for your best results”

“High-Performers don't ignore what could go wrong, they prepare for it, so they know how to get past it. They always bring their full 100% effort to everything they do and they don't believe their negative thoughts, they see them as just possibilities not facts that they can't succeed.”

“Adversity is almost certain to come along on the way to achieving our goals. By preparing for it, and knowing how we will respond positively if it does, we're mentally stronger and able to keep going until we succeed.”

“Hours X Months X Talent = Greatness

Hours X Months X No talent = Pretty Damn Good”

“Do what’s hard and life gets easy.”

“Going through hard things makes us stronger.”

“The person who fails is the same person 10 minutes later, only wiser.”

“Mistakes make us more valuable, not less.”

“Accept what’s going wrong, stay focused on what you want.”

“Any time spent developing ourselves pays dividends down the road- like putting money in the bank.”